Sunday, August 5, 2007


Download free vintage children's books at the Rosetta Project

rosetta.pngIf you're looking for quality children's books either to read with your kids or just for your own enjoyment, you can't go wrong with the Rosetta Project. There are literally thousands of free books here, all beautifully illustrated and available for free download.

Every book is alphabetized in the ginormous A-Z super index; you can read them page by page online or download an entire book as a zip file. I plan on browsing through here for some fairy tales to share with my kids.

Songs Stick in Everyone's Head

'Earworms' Bother Women, Musicians Most

They bore into your head. They won't let go. There's no known cure. Earworms can attack almost anyone at almost any time.

No, it's not an invasion of jungle insects. It's worse. Earworms are those songs, jingles, and tunes that get stuck inside your head.

The coming water wars

Every minute 7 people die from bad or no water. Less then .007% of the fresh water on Earth is available to people. The UN estimates in the next 20 years, the worlds per capita water supply will drop by third, and in 2000 Kofi Annan warned that competition for fresh water could be the seeds of violence.

Bonsai Primer

Keeping and growing Bonsai is not as hard as you may believe. They are no more difficult to look after than most houseplants, needing food, water and light to survive. However most bonsai are NOT houseplants. If you live in a part of the world subject to frosts, bringing them indoors over winter in the mistaken belief that they need to be warm to survive is a sure way to kill them.

Why an Apple a Day keeps the Dr. Away

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”…but why? Do you really know what makes an apple so special? Why is it that we never hear an orange or a banana a day keeps the doctor away?
Apples have properties that no other fruits have and its benefits have been proven overtime. You will be able to get the benefits of these properties individually with other fruits, but an apple combines everything and makes it simpler. It has been shown over and over that if it’s not simple, easy and fast, people won’t take care of their health.

Recovery for lost memory card photos

Tips for when your card goes clunk.

Mystery Gel that is light as a feather and could help stop pollution

A solid that's up to 99 percent gas, it is rigid to a light touch, soft to a stronger one, and shatters like glass if it's put under too much pressure too quickly; it's one of the most enigmatic of materials, as well as one of the most versatile.


Annieofbluegables said...

so did you ever recover the photos from that memory card I gave you?

Andrew Hahn said...

I had a song stuck in my head for the two years I served.


I was sitting in the morning in the diner at the corner.

Good times.

Sailor said...

Earworms. How appropriate. I still get in trouble if I mention bubblegum, bubblegum in a dish....

I am liable to get a very cross look, and sometimes someone will tell my heart, my acky-breaky heart.... and then I am in more hot water than a group of hippies in a hot-tub.