Saturday, August 25, 2007

Website Roundup

I stumbled upon a cool feature inside of Itunes. It allows you to have an RSS of recently purchased tunes as well as what your favorite artists are. Now I need to update my Itunes library to really reflect what I like. It has crashed several times and all my ratings have largely disappeared. Check out my blog and see what I have bought and am listening to. If you are interested, sign into your Itunes account, and enable "My Itunes" near the bottom of the page. You can then copy code for various widgets.

TechCrunch has compiled a list of online vendors providing DRM-free music. I knew about Apple and Emusic, but the rest were news to me. Check out the article here.

Here is a neat way to keep track of your credit card expenditures with Quicken. My wife uses Quicken this way to keep track of budget items. pretty slick...

takes social networking to the shopping place. It now incorporates reviews from Cnet and the like as well as shopping search engines such as Amazon and Ebay.

CCRRFD (Cheap creative rascals ring flash diffuser)

 208 501771056 C4F1419F0AMake Magazine reports on some creative ways to add diffusers to your camera. I will have to try this one.

Halloween is just around the corner. Yahoo did a post on popular outfits this fall. Here are a few of my favorites with links from the list.
  1. Optimus Prime Costumes
  2. Black Spider-Man Costume
  3. Hermione Costume
  4. Ghost Rider Costume
  5. Bellatrix Lestrange Costume (I think my wife would like to dress up as her for Halloween)
Google has a new feature out that is pretty handy. 1-800 GOOG -411 allows you to use Google to search for stuff via telephone.

Lifehacker shares a way to put Google calendar in Outlook 2003.

Speaking of Google, Google Earth now provides interface of the stars.

1 comment:

Annieofbluegables said...

Just so you know I have read your blog. But on the other hand, I didn't understand any of that music stuff.DRM?
I am excited about Google sky. :)